June is Parent Appreciation Month at Inner Power Martial Arts!

Have you been thinking about getting involved in martial arts classes with your kids?

Accept Our Offer Of Appreciation!

For the month of June, any parents who have a child enrolled at Inner Power Martial Arts, are welcome to attend our adult Hapkido classes throughout the month. 

Get Started Now >

Get in shape or add to your workout, and release stress all while learning effective self defense. 

Classes are Monday through Thursdays & 7:15pm and Saturday mornings @ 9:15am.

self defense classes in Howell, New Jersey

How does parental involvement impacts martial arts training for young students?

Having parents and grandparents support and cheer for  their children is great for a kid’s self-esteem. Parents who actively participate in the practices and after-school training feel positive about the impact that martial arts training is having on their children, and encourage more parents to get involved in the program. 

Parents will also notice their students develop better balance and more focus and family participation in the program helps build confidence and independence in young students. 

Parents who opt to simply observe during practices are still impacting their child’s progress; their moral support and words of encouragement boost the participant’s energy and determination.

The Relationship between Parents and Instructors is Important

As instructors at a martial arts school, we recognize that working with the parents of young students is a critical element in our success. Parents are invested in their children’s success in several ways, including their physical and emotional development. It’s important that we recognize that our relationship with the child as instructor to student, also involves developing a beneficial relationship with their parents.

Parents know and understand their child. They have a first-hand perspective on what interests and motivates their child. They have the ability to alert us to any changes, problems or sensitivities the child may be dealing with that may have an impact on his or her martial arts training. As we gather this information, instructors will be better equipped to make the training experience a good one for everyone.

Parents are our allies in working with their children! Increased self-discipline and self-confidence are goals of martial arts training that can be supported by parents when the child is not in class. A good working relationship with parents can influence the level of success in directing a child toward these goals. With good communication about the child’s progress, consistent and continuous combined efforts are more likely to produce positive results. Our goal is for parents to see us as a valuable ally in working with their child. 

Positive Outcomes in the Classroom

The positive influence that martial arts has on kids in the classroom has gotten even more parents interested in having their children participate in classes. When children attend a martial arts school, they gain confidence and improve their focus in their academic classroom environment. As a result, students get better grades, allowing teachers and faculty to concentrate more on education and less on discipline.

Martial arts students learn how to handle disagreement in a non-violent manner in addition to self-respect, self-discipline, honesty, and patience. Students are instructed to use their words when dealing with a conflict. They are provided tools to assist them in facing a variety of scenarios. Students are instructed that fighting should always be considered a last resort.

Martial arts classes provide parents a variety of ways to get involved.

How can parents best help students succeed? Be present. Parents who are active in their child’s extracurricular activities send a strong message that these activities are important. Additionally, most students perform better when their parents are watching.

Class attendance must be consistent and regular! A beginner’s confidence grows as he or she performs more repetitions of movements and training. Class attendance should not be a choice, but a priority! It’s also important to note that before testing for their next belt level, each student must attend a set amount of classes.

For parents with a limited amount of time to get involved, one way of getting involved is having the students demonstrate what they have learned to their family at home.  Asking the student to teach a parent about the moves, a form, or technique is another very effective way to help the student achieve. 

Even parents with busy schedules can find some way to get involved in the martial arts program. Parents are encouraged to have a conversation with their child’s instructor to see what opportunities exist. Simply dedicating a small amount of time can play a huge role in a child’s performance in their activity and in the classroom. 

Establishing and maintaining a good working relationship between parents of children in martial arts classes and their instructors is a high priority at Inner Power Martial Arts.  This relationship begins when you first meet, and continues to develop throughout the child’s training. As instructors we strive to foster this relationship and encourage open communication. We understand and respect the needs and expectations of parents with regard to their child’s training. Together, we can maximize success in making martial arts training a good experience for everyone.

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